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[windows-sources.git] / sdk / samples / all in on code / Visual Studio 2010 / VBFTPUpload / FTPClientManager.vb
1 '*************************** Module Header ******************************'
2 ' Module Name: FTPClientManager.vb
3 ' Project: VBFTPUpload
4 ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
5 '
6 ' The class FTPClientManager supplies following features:
7 ' 1. Verify whether a file or a directory exists on the FTP server.
8 ' 2. Delete files or directories on the FTP server.
9 ' 3. Create a directory on the FTP server.
10 ' 4. Manage the FTPUploadClient to upload files to the FTP server.
13 ' This source is subject to the Microsoft Public License.
14 ' See
15 ' All other rights reserved.
20 '*************************************************************************'
22 Imports System.IO
23 Imports System.Net
24 Imports System.Linq
26 Partial Public Class FTPClientManager
28 ''' <summary>
29 ''' The Credentials to connect to the FTP server.
30 ''' </summary>
31 Public Property Credentials() As ICredentials
33 ''' <summary>
34 ''' The current URL of this FTPClient.
35 ''' </summary>
36 Private _url As Uri
37 Public Property Url() As Uri
38 Get
39 Return _url
40 End Get
41 Private Set(ByVal value As Uri)
42 _url = value
43 End Set
44 End Property
46 Private _status As FTPClientManagerStatus
48 ''' <summary>
49 ''' Get or Set the status of this FTPClient.
50 ''' </summary>
51 Public Property Status() As FTPClientManagerStatus
52 Get
53 Return _status
54 End Get
56 Private Set(ByVal value As FTPClientManagerStatus)
57 If _status <> value Then
58 _status = value
60 ' Raise a OnStatusChanged event.
61 Me.OnStatusChanged(EventArgs.Empty)
63 End If
64 End Set
65 End Property
67 Public Event UrlChanged As EventHandler
69 Public Event ErrorOccurred As EventHandler(Of ErrorEventArgs)
71 Public Event StatusChanged As EventHandler
73 Public Event FileUploadCompleted As EventHandler(Of FileUploadCompletedEventArgs)
75 Public Event NewMessageArrived As EventHandler(Of NewMessageEventArg)
77 ''' <summary>
78 ''' Initialize a FTPClient instance.
79 ''' </summary>
80 Public Sub New(ByVal url As Uri, ByVal credentials As ICredentials)
81 Me.Credentials = credentials
83 ' Check whether the Url exists and the credentials is correct.
84 ' If there is an error, an exception will be thrown.
85 CheckFTPUrlExist(url)
87 Me.Url = url
89 ' Set the Status.
90 Me.Status = FTPClientManagerStatus.Idle
92 End Sub
94 ''' <summary>
95 ''' Navigate to the parent folder.
96 ''' </summary>
97 Public Sub NavigateParent()
98 If Url.AbsolutePath <> "/" Then
100 ' Get the parent url.
101 Dim newUrl As New Uri(Me.Url, "..")
103 ' Check whether the Url exists.
104 CheckFTPUrlExist(newUrl)
106 Me.Url = newUrl
107 Me.OnUrlChanged(EventArgs.Empty)
108 End If
109 End Sub
111 ''' <summary>
112 ''' Navigate a url.
113 ''' </summary>
114 Public Sub Naviagte(ByVal newUrl As Uri)
115 ' Check whether the Url exists.
116 Dim urlExist As Boolean = VerifyFTPUrlExist(newUrl)
118 Me.Url = newUrl
119 Me.OnUrlChanged(EventArgs.Empty)
120 End Sub
122 ''' <summary>
123 ''' If the Url does not exist, an exception will be thrown.
124 ''' </summary>
125 Private Sub CheckFTPUrlExist(ByVal url As Uri)
126 Dim urlExist As Boolean = VerifyFTPUrlExist(url)
128 If Not urlExist Then
129 Throw New ApplicationException("The url does not exist")
130 End If
131 End Sub
133 ''' <summary>
134 ''' Verify whether the url exists.
135 ''' </summary>
136 Private Function VerifyFTPUrlExist(ByVal url As Uri) As Boolean
137 Dim urlExist As Boolean = False
139 If url.IsFile Then
140 urlExist = VerifyFileExist(url)
141 Else
142 urlExist = VerifyDirectoryExist(url)
143 End If
145 Return urlExist
146 End Function
148 ''' <summary>
149 ''' Verify whether the directory exists.
150 ''' </summary>
151 Private Function VerifyDirectoryExist(ByVal url As Uri) As Boolean
152 Dim request As FtpWebRequest = TryCast(WebRequest.Create(url), FtpWebRequest)
153 request.Credentials = Me.Credentials
154 request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory
156 Dim response As FtpWebResponse = Nothing
159 response = TryCast(request.GetResponse(), FtpWebResponse)
161 Return response.StatusCode = FtpStatusCode.DataAlreadyOpen
162 Catch webEx As System.Net.WebException
163 Dim ftpResponse As FtpWebResponse = TryCast(webEx.Response, FtpWebResponse)
165 If ftpResponse.StatusCode = FtpStatusCode.ActionNotTakenFileUnavailable Then
166 Return False
167 End If
169 Throw
170 Finally
171 If response IsNot Nothing Then
172 response.Close()
173 End If
174 End Try
175 End Function
177 ''' <summary>
178 ''' Verify whether the file exists.
179 ''' </summary>
180 Private Function VerifyFileExist(ByVal url As Uri) As Boolean
181 Dim request As FtpWebRequest = TryCast(WebRequest.Create(url), FtpWebRequest)
182 request.Credentials = Me.Credentials
183 request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetFileSize
185 Dim response As FtpWebResponse = Nothing
188 response = TryCast(request.GetResponse(), FtpWebResponse)
190 Return response.StatusCode = FtpStatusCode.FileStatus
191 Catch webEx As System.Net.WebException
192 Dim ftpResponse As FtpWebResponse = TryCast(webEx.Response, FtpWebResponse)
194 If ftpResponse.StatusCode = FtpStatusCode.ActionNotTakenFileUnavailable Then
195 Return False
196 End If
198 Throw
199 Finally
200 If response IsNot Nothing Then
201 response.Close()
202 End If
203 End Try
204 End Function
206 ''' <summary>
207 ''' Get the sub directories and files of the current Url by default.
208 ''' </summary>
209 Public Function GetSubDirectoriesAndFiles() As IEnumerable(Of FTPFileSystem)
210 Return GetSubDirectoriesAndFiles(Me.Url)
211 End Function
213 ''' <summary>
214 ''' Get the sub directories and files of the Url. It will be used in enumerate
215 ''' all the folders.
216 ''' When run the FTP LIST protocol method to get a detailed listing of the files
217 ''' on an FTP server, the server will response many records of information. Each
218 ''' record represents a file.
219 ''' </summary>
220 Public Function GetSubDirectoriesAndFiles(ByVal url As Uri) _
221 As IEnumerable(Of FTPFileSystem)
222 Dim request As FtpWebRequest = TryCast(WebRequest.Create(url), FtpWebRequest)
223 request.Credentials = Me.Credentials
224 request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails
226 Dim response As FtpWebResponse = Nothing
227 Dim responseStream As Stream = Nothing
228 Dim reader As StreamReader = Nothing
230 response = TryCast(request.GetResponse(), FtpWebResponse)
232 Me.OnNewMessageArrived(New NewMessageEventArg _
233 With {.NewMessage = response.StatusDescription})
235 responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()
236 reader = New StreamReader(responseStream)
238 Dim subDirs As New List(Of FTPFileSystem)()
240 Dim subDir As String = reader.ReadLine()
242 ' Find out the FTP Directory Listing Style from the recordString.
243 Dim style As FTPDirectoryListingStyle = FTPDirectoryListingStyle.MSDOS
244 If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(subDir) Then
245 style = FTPFileSystem.GetDirectoryListingStyle(subDir)
246 End If
247 Do While Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(subDir)
248 subDirs.Add(FTPFileSystem.ParseRecordString(url, subDir, style))
250 subDir = reader.ReadLine()
251 Loop
252 Return subDirs
253 Finally
254 If response IsNot Nothing Then
255 response.Close()
256 End If
258 ' Close the StreamReader object and the underlying stream, and release
259 ' any system resources associated with the reader.
260 If reader IsNot Nothing Then
261 reader.Close()
262 End If
263 End Try
264 End Function
266 ''' <summary>
267 ''' Create a sub directory of a folder on the remote FTP server.
268 ''' </summary>
269 Public Sub CreateDirectoryOnFTPServer(ByVal serverPath As Uri,
270 ByVal subDirectoryName As String)
272 ' Create the Url for the new sub directory.
273 Dim subDirUrl As New Uri(serverPath, subDirectoryName)
275 ' Check whether sub directory exist.
276 Dim urlExist As Boolean = VerifyFTPUrlExist(subDirUrl)
278 If urlExist Then
279 Return
280 End If
283 ' Create an FtpWebRequest to create the sub directory.
284 Dim request As FtpWebRequest = TryCast(WebRequest.Create(subDirUrl),
285 FtpWebRequest)
286 request.Credentials = Me.Credentials
287 request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.MakeDirectory
289 Using response As FtpWebResponse = TryCast(request.GetResponse(),
290 FtpWebResponse)
291 Me.OnNewMessageArrived(New NewMessageEventArg _
292 With {.NewMessage = response.StatusDescription})
293 End Using
295 ' If the folder does not exist, create the folder.
296 Catch webEx As System.Net.WebException
298 Dim ftpResponse As FtpWebResponse = TryCast(webEx.Response, FtpWebResponse)
300 Dim msg As String = String.Format(
301 "There is an error while creating folder {0}. " _
302 & " StatusCode: {1} StatusDescription: {2} ",
303 subDirUrl.ToString(),
304 ftpResponse.StatusCode.ToString(),
305 ftpResponse.StatusDescription)
306 Dim errorException As New ApplicationException(msg, webEx)
308 ' Fire the ErrorOccurred event with the error.
309 Dim e As ErrorEventArgs = New ErrorEventArgs _
310 With {.ErrorException = errorException}
312 Me.OnErrorOccurred(e)
313 End Try
314 End Sub
316 ''' <summary>
317 ''' Delete items on FTP server.
318 ''' </summary>
319 Public Sub DeleteItemsOnFTPServer(ByVal fileSystems As IEnumerable(Of FTPFileSystem))
320 If fileSystems Is Nothing Then
321 Throw New ArgumentException("The item to delete is null!")
322 End If
324 For Each fileSystem In fileSystems
325 DeleteItemOnFTPServer(fileSystem)
326 Next fileSystem
328 End Sub
330 ''' <summary>
331 ''' Delete an item on FTP server.
332 ''' </summary>
333 Public Sub DeleteItemOnFTPServer(ByVal fileSystem As FTPFileSystem)
334 ' Check whether sub directory exist.
335 Dim urlExist As Boolean = VerifyFTPUrlExist(fileSystem.Url)
337 If Not urlExist Then
338 Return
339 End If
343 ' Non-Empty folder cannot be deleted.
344 If fileSystem.IsDirectory Then
345 Dim subFTPFiles = GetSubDirectoriesAndFiles(fileSystem.Url)
347 DeleteItemsOnFTPServer(subFTPFiles)
348 End If
350 ' Create an FtpWebRequest to create the sub directory.
351 Dim request As FtpWebRequest = TryCast(WebRequest.Create(fileSystem.Url),
352 FtpWebRequest)
353 request.Credentials = Me.Credentials
355 request.Method = If(fileSystem.IsDirectory,
356 WebRequestMethods.Ftp.RemoveDirectory,
357 WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DeleteFile)
359 Using response As FtpWebResponse = TryCast(request.GetResponse(),
360 FtpWebResponse)
361 Me.OnNewMessageArrived(New NewMessageEventArg _
362 With {.NewMessage = response.StatusDescription})
363 End Using
364 Catch webEx As System.Net.WebException
365 Dim ftpResponse As FtpWebResponse = TryCast(webEx.Response, FtpWebResponse)
367 Dim msg As String = String.Format(
368 "There is an error while deleting {0}. " _
369 & " StatusCode: {1} StatusDescription: {2} ",
370 fileSystem.Url.ToString(),
371 ftpResponse.StatusCode.ToString(),
372 ftpResponse.StatusDescription)
373 Dim errorException As New ApplicationException(msg, webEx)
375 ' Fire the ErrorOccurred event with the error.
376 Dim e As ErrorEventArgs = New ErrorEventArgs _
377 With {.ErrorException = errorException}
379 Me.OnErrorOccurred(e)
380 End Try
381 End Sub
383 ''' <summary>
384 ''' Upload a whole local folder to FTP server.
385 ''' </summary>
386 Public Sub UploadFolder(ByVal localFolder As DirectoryInfo,
387 ByVal serverPath As Uri, ByVal createFolderOnServer As Boolean)
388 ' The method UploadFoldersAndFiles will create or override a folder by default.
389 If createFolderOnServer Then
390 UploadFoldersAndFiles(New FileSystemInfo() {localFolder}, serverPath)
392 ' Upload the files and sub directories of the local folder.
393 Else
394 UploadFoldersAndFiles(localFolder.GetFileSystemInfos(), serverPath)
395 End If
396 End Sub
398 ''' <summary>
399 ''' Upload local folders and files to FTP server.
400 ''' </summary>
401 Public Sub UploadFoldersAndFiles(ByVal fileSystemInfos As IEnumerable(Of FileSystemInfo),
402 ByVal serverPath As Uri)
403 If Me._status <> FTPClientManagerStatus.Idle Then
404 Throw New ApplicationException("This client is busy now.")
405 End If
407 Me.Status = FTPClientManagerStatus.Uploading
409 Dim uploadClient As New FTPUploadClient(Me)
411 ' Register the events.
412 AddHandler uploadClient.AllFilesUploadCompleted,
413 AddressOf uploadClient_AllFilesUploadCompleted
414 AddHandler uploadClient.FileUploadCompleted,
415 AddressOf uploadClient_FileUploadCompleted
417 uploadClient.UploadDirectoriesAndFiles(fileSystemInfos, serverPath)
418 End Sub
421 Private Sub uploadClient_FileUploadCompleted(ByVal sender As Object,
422 ByVal e As FileUploadCompletedEventArgs)
423 Me.OnFileUploadCompleted(e)
424 End Sub
426 Private Sub uploadClient_AllFilesUploadCompleted(ByVal sender As Object,
427 ByVal e As EventArgs)
428 Me.Status = FTPClientManagerStatus.Idle
429 End Sub
431 Protected Overridable Sub OnUrlChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
432 RaiseEvent UrlChanged(Me, e)
433 End Sub
435 Protected Overridable Sub OnStatusChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
436 RaiseEvent StatusChanged(Me, e)
437 End Sub
439 Protected Overridable Sub OnFileUploadCompleted(ByVal e As FileUploadCompletedEventArgs)
440 RaiseEvent FileUploadCompleted(Me, e)
441 End Sub
443 Protected Overridable Sub OnErrorOccurred(ByVal e As ErrorEventArgs)
444 Me.Status = FTPClientManagerStatus.Idle
446 RaiseEvent ErrorOccurred(Me, e)
447 End Sub
449 Protected Overridable Sub OnNewMessageArrived(ByVal e As NewMessageEventArg)
450 RaiseEvent NewMessageArrived(Me, e)
451 End Sub
452 End Class